Monday, June 09, 2008

Rules for guys to live by......

* You should never have to match your socks, other than to separate black from white; buy 18 pairs of identical socks in each color and throw them all out every six months.

* Pants with pleats get cuffs; pants without, do not.

* Avoid large faced watches if you have thin wrists.

* Sunglasses may only be worn indoors after 1 a.m.

* Carry around those small bottles of hand sanitizer and use some before you eat.

* Business casual was invented to prevent younger people from dressing better than their bosses. Rebel and wear a suit or jeans.

* If you need to put stuff in your hair to add shine or hold, you are washing your hair too often.

* Yes, you do have to floss.

* If you are handling a small baggy in a bathroom stall, face away from the open toilet and you will never drop it in there.

* When a friend calls after a drunken night, never say, “You were so funny.”

* Avoid staying out past midnight three nights in a row.

* You can ignore the three-night rule if something really good comes up on the third night.

* You will regret your tattoos.

* If you wear a baseball cap in bars, the girls will suspect you are bald.

* Go to more baseball games.

* Time is too short to do your own laundry.

* When the bartender asks, you should already know what you are ordering.

* Learn how to speak before groups.

* An undershirt will prevent you from perspiring through your overshirt.

* Yes, you do have to go to the gym.* Complaining about other people smoking makes you an ass.

* Stop talking about where you went to college.

* When people don’t invite you to parties, you really shouldn’t go.

* Sometimes even when you are invited, you shouldn’t go.

* You can ignore those rules about parties if it is a really, really good party.

* Drink plenty of coffee.

* People are tired of you being the funny, drunk guy.

* When in doubt, always kiss the girl.

* Tip more than you should.

* If a book is too big to carry around comfortably, cut it up and carry the pages you can read.

* Yes, you do have to have your shoes shined.

* It’s okay to arrive late.

* You probably use your cell phone too often and at the wrong moments.

* Do not spend very much money on sunglasses or umbrellas. You will lose them quickly.

* Do thirty-push ups before you shower each morning.

* Eat brunch with friends every other weekend.

* Be a regular at a bar.

* Read more.

* And not just biographies.

* If her friends hate you, it’s over.

* A glass of wine with lunch will not ruin your day.

* It’s better if old men cut your hair.

* They should charge less than $20.

* If you smoke pot, you probably smoke too much.

* Learn how to fly-fish.

* Ask for a salad instead of fries.

* Pretty women who are unaccompanied want you to talk to them. Ask someone for an introduction.

* You cannot always make amends with people.

* Buy furniture that you think is too small for your apartment. It isn’t.

* Cobblers will save your shoes.

* Figure out what kind of knot you like in your ties and stick with it.

* The first round of drinks is on you.

* When a bartender buys you a round, tip double.

* Hang your clothes up when you take them off.

* Except sweaters. Those get folded.

* Piercings are liabilities in fights.

* You’ll regret much more the things you didn’t do than the things you did.

* Do not buy the product insurance.

* Except for mobile phones. Always insure the phone.

* Celebrate mothers on Father’s Day, and father’s on Mother’s Day.

* You may remove your jacket and roll up your sleeves. The tie may not be loosened.

* It’s not that you’re unphotogenic. That’s just how you look.

* Do not use an electric razor.

* Deserts are for women. Order one and pretend you don’t mind that she’s eating yours.

* Keep rugs and carpets to a minimum.

* Carry a pocket knife.

* Buy a tuxedo before you are thirty. Stay that size.

* Subscribe to a small-circulation magazine.

* It should have a cork-screw. The knife. Not the magazine.

* One girlfriend is probably enough.

* After one day of hanging, your tie should be rolled and placed in a drawer.

* People will dance if the music is loud enough and the lights are dim enough. You should too.

* Throw parties.

* But don’t clean up during or after your party. Hire someone else to come do that the next day, which you’ll be spending somewhere else.

* You may only request one song from the DJ.

* Take pictures. One day it will be fun to laugh at them.

* When you admire the work of artists or writers, tell them.

* And spend money to acquire their work.

* Sleep outdoors when you can.

* Your clothes do not match. They go together.

* Yes, you do have to buy her dinner.

* Staying angry is a waste of energy.

* Revenge can be a good way of getting over anger.

* Go to the theater.

* Always bring a bottle of something to the party.

* Ask cab drivers not to speak on the phone.

* When the bouncer says it’s time for you to leave, it is.

* Do not make a second date while you are still on your first.

* Avoid the “last” glass of whiskey. You’ve probably had enough.

* If you are wittier than you are handsome, avoid very loud clubs.

* Drink outdoors.

* Drink during the day.

* Date women outside your social set. You’ll be surprised.

* If it’s got velvet ropes and lines, walk away unless you know someone.

* You should probably walk away anyway.

* See more bands than you have been.

* You cannot have a love affair with whiskey because whiskey will never love you back.

* Place-dropping is worse than name dropping.

* The New Yorker is not a high-brow magazine.

* You aren’t really a great DJ. Those people are dancing because they are drunk.

* Don’t let that discourage you. If they’re having fun, you are doing your job.

* If you believe in evolution, you should know something about how it works.

* No-one cares if you are offended, so stop it.

* Eating out alone can be magnificent. Find a place where you can eat at the bar.

* Get out of the city every now and then. The parties you miss won’t miss you. And you won’t really miss them either.

* Never date an ex of your friend.


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