Wednesday, August 23, 2006

South Park. What happened to you?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Remember when South Park was funny? I am kinda pissed at Matt and Trey for their attack on Family Guy. They think that they really stuck it to people from Family Guy. And they think that they made a point about censorship. It not like that they get their ideas from the front page of morning newspaper (that would imply that they read newspaper and not get their idea from FOX News channel). It seems that they just have a list of people to pick on. It would be anybody - US leaders, foregn leaders, anyone. Then you could make him have a homosexual sex with Satan so nobody has to wonder what your opinion of him is.
Alternatively, you could spend 30 seconds pasting his head on a cartoon body and put him in his underwear to beat America over the head with your opinion. At which point you have 23 minutes of air time to fill. Just to shake things up a bit, we could have Cartman call Kyle a dirty jew. 15 times ought to do it. Between that and Kyle's response that's another 10 minutes gone. After that, we will have to come up with some joke about Iran's president and repeat it again and again. Then, just in case someone in the universe didnt get your point, you can spend the last 5 minutes of the episode having a stock character like Stan's father explain everything in plain english without coming up with a single joke! Matt and Trey - have you guys forgotten that you used to have episodes where aliens implanted a satellite in Cartmen's ass? Sure, you wrote a couple of funny contemporary criticisms like Janet Reno in a bunny suit, but you got lost somewhere along the way. You know that episode where people smelled their own farts over 50 times because they were so arrogant? The city of San Francisco was destroyed by its own smug sense of self satisfaction - it was like a metaphor for your own lives. You are on Comedy Central for crying out loud! The Daily Show has more jokes and less politics than South Park these days. As far as Family Guy goes, humor doesn't have to be topical. Show me one show on TV that doesn't use a formula to some extent, including yours. Get off your fucking high horse and go back to writing funny episodes before your viewers get fed up and desert you.People forget, South Park was just as "pointless and random" as Family Guy when they started out. Then, Matt & Trey decided to get a stick up their ass when the events of the nation made it seem like politics were very important, right around the 2000 election. You remember the old South Park, and then do you remember "Orgasmo" or "BASEketball"? Yeah, that was them in the 1990s. Then it went to "That's My Bush" (or whatever that stupid sitcom was called), the new preachy South Park, Team America, and beyond. I guess what I'm saying is, give Family Guy some time, at least as much as South Park has had now, to evolve, before you go dumping on them. I'm sick of South Park having a point. It's starting to feel like Tom Cruise yelling at Matt Lauer about psychology... I like the show, but they're no more qualified to tell us how we should feel about every issue than the very people (i.e. George Clooney) that they make fun of for the same things. Matt and Trey selling out to the money machine. I know they always said that they are in it for the money and ready to sell out at any time, but at this rate, they are going to be out of a job. What else is new.....


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